This is my collection of references relevant to starfish behavior questions. It isn't sorted by subject or generally organized, but looking through titles should give you some good leads. A few non-echinoderm references are included where I found papers interesting for behavior in general or specific to chemosensory orientation problems, although this is by no means complete for either of those two subjects, as well as a few miscellaneous echinoderm papers I found generally interesting. There are also a fair number of echinoderm neurophysiology papers, as I feel these have a great deal of relevance to behavioral questions.
Suggestions for additional starfish behavior papers are welcome, as are corrections if you discover any errors (but my apologies to those whose names can't be spelled properly with this character set; I don't have any way to insert the necessary characters). I'd also be happy to include links from authors (or journals) to their home pages, as appropriate.
These references have a wealth of useful information. Many entries are also included below, but for ease of reference I've also collected them all here in one place.
(1982). THIRD INTERNATIONAL ECHINODERM CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Papers from the echinoderm conference. Memoir 16, The Australian Museum, Sydney, 1-216. F. W. E. Rowe. Sydney, The Australian Museum: 216.
(1982). FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ECHINODERM CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Echinoderms: proceedings of the international conference, Tampa Bay. J. M. Lawrence. Rotterdam, Balkema: 529.
(1985). FIFTH INTERNATIONAL ECHINODERM CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Echinodermata. B. F. Keegan and B. D. S. O'Connor. Rotterdam, Balkema: 662.
(1988). SIXTH INTERNATIONAL ECHINODERM CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Echinoderm Biology. R. D. Burke, M. V. Mladenov, P. Lambert and R. L. Parsley. Rotterdam, Balkema: 818.
(1991). SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL ECHINODERM CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Biology Of Echinodermata (Echinoderms Atami). T. Yanagisawa, I. Yasumasu, C. Oguro, N. Suzuki and T. Motokawa. Rotterdam, Balkema.
(1994). EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL ECHINODERM CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux. Rotterdam, Balkema.
(1998). NINTH INTERNATIONAL ECHINODERM CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Echinoderms: San Francisco. R. Mooi and M. Telford. Rotterdam, Balkema.
(1964) Environmental factors affecting oyster populations. Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service U.S., 64, 397-456.
Allen, P. L. (1983) Feeding behaviour of Asterias rubens (L.) on soft bottom bivalves: A study in selective predation. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 70, 79-90.
Anger, K., Rogal, U., Schriever, G. and Helgoland, C. (1977) In-situ investigations on the echinoderm Asterias rubens as a predator of soft-bottom communities in the western Bal. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters, 29(4), 439-459.
Atema, J. (1996) Eddy chemotaxis and odor landscapes: exploration of nature with animal sensors. Biological Bulletin, 191(1), 129-138.
Auster, P. J. (1983) Winter predation by Asterias forbesi (Desor) on commercially important shellfish resources of Long Island Sound. Journal Of Shellfish Research, ??, 81.
Auster, P. J. and Degoursey, R. E. (1994) Winter predation on blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, by starfish Asterias forbesi. Journal Of Shellfish Research, 13(2), 361-366.
Barker, M. F. and Nichols, D. (1983) Reproduction, recruitment and juvenile ecology of the starfish, Asterias rubens and Marthasterias glacialis. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 63, 745-765.
Beasley, T. M. and Schumacker, R. E. (1995) Multiple regression approach to analyzing contingency tables: Post-hoc and planned comparison procedures. Journal of Experimental Education, 64(1), 79-93.
Beddington, S. D. and McClintock, J. B. (1993) Feeding behavior of the sea star Astropecten articulatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea): an evaluation of energy-efficient foraging in a soft- bottom predator. Marine Biology, 115, 669-676.
Berrios, A., Brink, D. and Del Castillo, J. (1985) Some properties of the action potentials conducted in the spines of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, 81A(1), 15-23.
Binyon, J. and Hasler, B. (1970) Electrophysiology of the starfish radial nerve cord. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, 32, 747-753.
Bryan, P. J., McClintock, J. B. and Hopkins, T. S. (1997) Structural and chemical defenses of echinoderms from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 210, 173-186.
Bullock, T. H. (1986) Suggestions for research on ethological and comparative cognition. In: Dolphin Cognition And Behavior: A Comparitive Approach. R. J. Schusterman, J. A. Thomas and F. G. Wood, eds., Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates : 207-219.
Campbell, D. B. (1984) Foraging movements of the sea star Asterias forbesi (Desor) (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island U.S.A. Marine Behavior And Physiology, 11, 185-198.
Campbell, D. B. (1993) The effect of pea crabs on predation of host mussels by sea stars. Marine Behavior And Physiology, 24, 93-99.
Casterlin, M. E. and Reynolds, W. W. (1980) Behavioral response of the starfish Asterias forbesii to a thermal gradient. Hydrobiologia, 71(3), 265-266.
Castilla, J. C. and Crisp, D. J. (1970) Responses of Asterias rubens to olfactory stimuli. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 50, 829-847.
Castilla, J. C. (1972) Responses of Asterias rubens to bivalve prey in a Y-maze. Marine Biology, 12, 222-228.
Castilla, J. C. and Crisp, D. J. (1973) Responses of Asterias rubens to water currents and their modification by certain environmental factors. Netherlands Journal Of Sea Research, 7, 171- 190.
Castilla, J. C. (1975) Responses Of Asterias rubens To Gravity. Behavior, 52, 84-94.
Cavey, M. J. and Yeung, E. C. (1991) Histological and ultrastructural techniques for the examination of soft tissues in the heavily calcified ambulacrum of the starfish. In: Biology Of Echinodermata (Echinoderms Atami). T. Yanagisawa, I. Yasumasu, C. Oguro, N. Suzuki and T. Motokawa, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 315-322.
Christie, H. (1980) Methods for ecological monitoring: Biological interactions in a rocky subtidal community. In: European Marine Biological Symposium On Protection Of Life In The Sea. O. Kinne and H. P. M. Bulnheim, . 33: 473-483.
Cobb, J. L. S. (1970) The significance of the radial nerve cords in asteroids and echinoids. Zeitschrift Fůr Zellforschung Und Mikroskopische Anatomie, 108, 457-474.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Stubbs, T. R. (1981) The giant neurone system in Ophiuroids: I. The general morphology of the radial nerve cords and circumoral nerve ring. Cell Tissue Research, 219, 197-207.
Cobb, J. L. S. (1982) The anatomical basis of integratory mechanisms in echinoderms. In: Echinoderms: proceedings of the international conference, Tampa Bay. J. M. Lawrence, eds., Rotterdam, A.A.Balkema: 409-412.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Stubbs, T. R. (1982) The giant neurone system in Ophiuroids. III. The detailed connections of the circumoral nerve ring. Cell Tissue Research, 226, 675-687.
Cobb, J. L. S. (1985) The neurobiology of the ectoneural/hyponeural synaptic connection in an echinoderm. Biological Bulletin, 168, 432-446.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Moore, A. (1986) Comparative studies on receptor structure in the brittlestar Ophiura ophiura. Journal Of Neurocytology, 15, 97-108.
Cobb, J. L. S. (1988) A preliminary hypothesis to account for the neural basis of behaviour in echinoderms. In: Echinoderm Biology. R. D. Burke, M. V. Mladenov, P. Lambert and R. L. Parsley, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 565-573.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Moore, A. (1989) Studies on the integration of sensory information by the nervous system of the brittlestar Ophiura ophiura. Marine Behavior And Physiology, 14, 211- 212.
Cobb, J. L. S. (1989) Enigmas of echinoderm nervous systems. In: Evolution Of The First Nervous Systems. P. A. V. Anderson, eds., New York, Plenum Press : 329-337.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Hendler, G. (1990) Neurophysiological characterization of the photoreceptor system in a brittlestar, Ophiocoma wendtii (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea). Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, 97A(3), 329-333.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Begbie, K. M. (1994) Aspects of the hyponeural nervous system. In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 25-29.
Cole, L. J. (1913) Experiments on coordination and righting in the starfish. Biological Bulletin, 24, 362-369.
Cole, L. J. (1913) Direction of locomotion of the starfish (Asterias forbesi). Journal Of Experimental Zoology, 14(1), 1-32.
Cole, R. N. and Burggren, W. W. (1981) The contribution of respiratory papulae and tube feet to oxygen uptake in the sea star Asterias forbesi (Desor). Marine Biology Letters, 2, 279-287.
Dale, J. (1997) Chemosensory search behavior in the starfish Asterias forbesi. Biological Bulletin, 193, 210-212.
Dale, J. H. (1998) Coordination of chemosensory orientation in the starfish Asterias forbesi. In: Echinoderms: San Francisco. R. Mooi and M. Telford, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 233.
Dale, J. (1999). “Coordination of chemosensory orientation in the starfish Asterias forbesi.” Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 32: 57-71.
Dare, P. J. (1982) Notes on the swarming behaviour and population density of Asterias rubens L. (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) feeding on. J. Cons. Ciem., 40, 112-118.
Davis, J. D. and McGrath, R. A. (1984) Some aspects of nearshore benthic macrofauna in Western Cape Cod Bay. In: Observations on the ecology and biology of Western Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts. J. D. Davis and D. Merriman, eds., New York, Springer-Verlag : 77-102.
Derby, C. D. and Atema, J. (1982) Function of chemo- and mechanoreceptors in lobster (Homarus americanus) feeding behaviour. Journal Of Experimental Biology, 98, 317-327.
Dittmer, K., Grasso, F. and Atema, J. (1995) Effects of varying plume turbulence on temporal concentration signals available to orienting lobsters. Biological Bulletin, 189, 232-233.
Dittmer, K., Grasso, F. and Atema, J. (1996) Obstacles to flow produce distinctive patterns of odor dispersal on a scale that could be detected by marine animals. Biological Bulletin, 191, 313-314.
Dobson, W. E. (1985) A pharmacological study of neural mediation of disc autotomy in Ophiophragmus filogranues (Lyman) (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea). Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 94, 223-232.
Doering, P. H. (1976) A burrowing response of Mercenaria mercenaria (Linnaeus, 1758) elicited by Asterias forbesi (Desor, 1848). Veliger, 19(2), 167-175.
Doering, P. H. (1981) Observations on the behavior of Asterias forbesi feeding on Mercenaria mercenaria. Ophelia, 20, 169-177.
Doering, P. H. (1982) Reduction of sea star predation by the burrowing response of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Estuaries, 5, 310-315.
Doering, P. H. (1982) Reduction of attractiveness to the sea star Asterias forbesi (Desor) by the clam Mercenaria mercenaria (Linnaeus). Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 60, 47-61.
Dun???, F. H. C. (1979) Case studies in the teratology of starfish. Proceedings Of The Academy Of Natural Sciences Of Philadelphia, 131, 139-157.
Elkinton, J. S., Carde, R. T. and Mason, C. J. (1984) Evaluation of time-average dispersion models for estimating pheromone concentration in a deciduous forest. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 10(7), 1081-1108.
Ferguson, J. C. (1994) Madreporite inflow of seawater to maintain body fluids in five species of starfish. In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 285-289.
Fox, D. J. and Gilbert, M. (1991) Role of the neural ring in integrating brittlestar behavior. In: Biology Of Echinodermata (Echinoderms Atami). T. Yanagisawa, I. Yasumasu, C. Oguro, N. Suzuki and T. Motokawa, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 565.
Fraenkel, G. S. and Gunn, D. L. (1961) The orientation of animals, second edition. New York, Dover Publishers.
Franz, D. R., Worley, E. K. and Merrill, A. S. (1981) Distribution patterns of common seastars of the middle Atlantic continental shelf of the Northwest Atlantic (Gulf of. Biological Bulletin, 160, 394-418.
Franz, D. R. (1986) Seasonal changes in pyloric caecum and gonad indices during the annual reproductive cycle in the seastar Asterias forbesi. Marine Biology, 91, 553-560.
Galtsoff, P. S. and Loosanoff, V. L. (1939) Natural history and method of controlling the starfish (Asterias forbesi, Desor). Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, 49, 73-132.
Ghyoot, M. and Cobb, J. L. S. (1994) Immunocytochemical investigations on the radial nerve cord of Ophiura ophiura. In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 25-29.
Grasso, F., Consi, T., Mountain, D. and Atema, J. (1996) Locating odor sources in turbulence with a lobster inspired robot. In: From Animals To Animats 6: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference On Adaptive Behavior. Maes, Mataric, Meyer, Pollack and Wilson, eds., Cambridge, The MIT Press/Bradford Books.
Grasso, F. W., Dale, J. H., Consi, T. R., Mountain, D. C. and Atema, J. (1997) Effectiveness of continuous bilateral sampling for robot chemotaxis in a turbulent odor plume: implications for lobster chemo-orientation. Biological Bulletin, 193, 215-216.
Hamel, J.-F. and Mercier, A. (1994) Influence of environmental factors on prespawning behaviour, spawning and developmental biology of the brooding starfish Leptasterias polaris. In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 310.
Hamilton, W. F. (1921) Coordination in the starfish: I. Behavior of the individual tube feet. Journal Of Comparative Psychology, 1, 473-488.
Hamilton, W. F. (1922) Coordination of the starfish: II. Locomotion. Journal Of Comparative Psychology, 2, 61-75.
Hamilton, W. F. (1922) Coordination of the starfish: III. The righting reaction as a phase of locomotion. Journal Of Comparative Psychology, 81-94.
Hancock, D. A. (1974) Some aspects of the biology of the sunstar Crossaster papposus (L.). Ophelia, 13, 1-30.
Himmelman, J. H. and Dutil, C. (1991) Distribution, population structure and feeding of subtidal seastars in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Marine Ecological Progress Series, 76, 71-72.
Hopkins, A. E. (1926) On the physiology of the central nervous system in the starfish, Asterias tenuispina. Journal Of Experimental Zoology, 46, 263-275.
Hopkins, T. S., Watts, S. A., McClintock, J. B. and Marion, K. R. (1994) Contrasting size demographics, sub-lethal arm loss and arm regeneration in two populations of Astropecten articulatus (Say) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 311-316.
Huxley, C. J. (1976) Response of Acanthaster planci (L.) to partial stimuli. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 22, 199-206.
Jennings, H. S. (1907) Behavior of the starfish Asterias forreri de Loriol. University Of California Publications In Zoology, 4(2), 53-187.
Keesing, J. K. (1995) Temporal patterns in the feeding and emergence behaviour of the crown- of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 25, 209-232.
Kerkut, G. A. (1954) The mechanisms of coordination of the starfish tube feet. Behavior, 6, 206-232.
Kjerschow-Agersborg, H. P. (1918) Bilateral tendencies and habits in the twenty-rayed starfish Pycnopodia helianthoides (Stimpson). Biological Bulletin, 35, 232-253.
Kjerschow-Agersborg, H. P. (1922) The relation of the madreporite to the physiological anterior end in the twenty-rayed starfish, Pycnopodia helianthoides. Biological Bulletin, 42, 202-216.
Landenberger, D. E. (1966) Learning in the Pacific starfish Pisaster giganteus. Animal Behavior, 14, 414-418.
Lawrence, J. M. (1991) A chemical alarm response in Pycnopodia helianthoides (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Marine Behavior And Physiology, 19, 39-44.
Lawrence, J. M. and Cowell, B. C. (1996) The righting response as an indication of stress in Stichaster striatus (Echinodermata, Asteroidea). Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 27(4), 239-248.
Lepper, D. M. E. and Moore, P. A. (1996) The role of chemical signals in the foraging behavior of the sea star Asterias forbesi. Ninth International Echinoderm Conference, San Francisco, A.A. Balkema.
Loeb, J. (1900) Comparative physiology of the brain and comparative psychology. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
Loosanoff, V. L. and Shipley, D. D. (1947) On ability of starfish, Asterias forbesi, to detect food. Anatomical Record, 99, 643-644.
Lubchenco, J. and Menge, B. A. (1978) Community development and persistence in a low rocky intertidal zone. Ecological Monographs, 48, 67-94.
MacCurdy, H. M. (1912) Observations on the reactions of Asterias forbesii to light. Science, 35, 192.
Mackenzie, C. L. J. (1970) Feeding rates of starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at controlled water temperatures and during different seasons of the year. Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service U.S., 68(1), 67-72.
Malatesta, R. J., Auster, P. J. and Carlin, B. P. (1992) Analysis of transect data for microhabitat correlations and faunal patchiness. Marine Ecological Progress Series, 87(1-2), 189-195.
Mauzey, K. P., Birkeland, C. and Dayton, P. K. (1968) Feeding behavior of asteroids and escape responses of their prey in the Puget Sound region. Ecology, 49, 603-619.
McClintock, J. B. and Lawrence, J. M. (1982) Photoresponse and associative learning in Luidia clathrata Say (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Marine Behavior And Physiology, 9, 13-21.
McClintock, J. B., Klinger, T. S. and Lawrence, J. M. (1984) Chemoreception in Luidia clathrata (Echinodermata: Asteroidea): qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemotactic responses to low molecular weight compounds. Marine Biology, 84, 47-52.
McClintock, J. B. and Lawrence, J. M. (1984) Ingestive conditioning in Luidia clathrata (Say) (Echinodermata:Asteroidea): effect of nutritional condition on selectivity, teloreception, and rates of ingestion. Marine Behavior And Physiology, 10, 167-181.
Medioni, J. and Robert, M. (1969) L'Apprentissage Chez Les Invertebres. Annalee Psychol., 69, 161-208.
Menge, B. (1979) Coexistence between the seastars Asterias vulgaris and A. forbesi in a heterogeneous environment: a non-equilibrium explanation. Oecologia, 41(3), 245-272.
Menge, B. A. (1986) A preliminary study of the reproductive ecology of the seastars Asterias vulgaris and A. forbesi in New England. Proceedings Of The Invertebrate Larval Biology Workshop Held At Friday Harbor Marine Laboratories, University Of Washington.
Miller, R. L. (1989) Evidence for the presence of sexual pheromones in free-spawning starfish. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 130, 205-221.
Moore, A. R. (1910) On the nervous mechanism of the righting movements of the starfish. American Journal Of Physiology, 27, 207-211.
Moore, A. R. (1921) Stereotropic orientation of the tube feet of starfish (Asterias) and its inhibition by light. Journal Of General Physiology, 4, 163-167.
Moore, A. R. (1939) Injury, recovery, and function in an aganglionic central nervous system. Journal Of Comparative Psychology, 28, 313-333.
Moore, A. and Cobb, J. L. S. (1985) Neurophysiological studies on the detection of amino acids by Ophiura ophiura. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, 82A(2), 395-399.
Moore, A. and Cobb, J. L. S. (1985) Neurophysiological studies on photic responses in Ophiura ophiura. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, 80A(1), 11-16.
Moore, A. and Cobb, J. L. S. (1986) Neurophysiological studies on the detection of mechanical stimuli by Ophiura ophiura (L.). Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 104, 125-141.
Moore, P. A. and Atema, J. (1991) Spatial information in the three-dimensional fine structure of an aquatic odor plume. Biological Bulletin, 181, 408-418.
Moore, P. A., Scholz, N. and Atema, J. (1991) Chemical orientation of lobsters, Homarus americanus, in turbulent odor plumes. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 17(7), 1293-1307.
Moore, P. A. and Lepper, D. M. E. (1997) Role of chemical signals in the orientation behavior of the sea star Asterias forbesi. Biological Bulletin, 192, 410-417.
Nichols, D. and Barker, M. F. (1984) A comparative study of reproductive and nutritional periodicities in two populations of Asterias rubens (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 64, 471-484.
Nickell, T. D. and Moore, P. G. (1991) The behavioural ecology of epibenthic scavenging invertebrates in the Clyde Sea area: Field sampling using baited tr. Cah. Biol. Mar. (?), 32, 353- 370.
Nickell, T. D. and Moore, P. G. (1992) The behavioural ecology of epibenthic scavenging intertebrates in the Clyde Sea area: Laboratory experiments on attractions to bait in moving water, underwater TV observations in situ and general conclusions. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 159, 15-35.
Norberg, j. and Tedengren, M. (1995) Attack behaviour and predatory success of Asterias rubens L. related to differences in size and morphology of the prey mussel Mytilus edulis L. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 186, 207-220.
Odintsov, V. S. and Ryabushko, V. I. (1979) Effect of oxygen content in water on the respiration of some echinoderms. OT: Vliyanie soderzhaniya kisloroda v vode na dykhanie nekotorykh iglokozhikh. Biol. Morya. Vladivost. (Mar. Biol. Vladivost.), 57-61.
Ormond, R. F., Hanscomb, N. J. and Beach, D. H. (1976) Food selection and learning in the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci (L.). Marine Behavior And Physiology, 4, 93-105.
Palmaille, D. A. (1979) Transintegumentary uptake of dissolved amino acids in the sea star Asterias rubens. A reassessment of its nutrition. Marine Ecological Progress Series, 1(2), 169- 177.
Park, M. S. and Kim, B. Y. (1985) Feeding behaviour of the starfish, Asterias amurensis (Luetken). Bull. Fish. Res. Dev. Agency, Busan, 34, 171-174.
Pearse, V. B. and Pearse, J. S. (1994) Echinoderm phylogeny and the place of concentricycloids. In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 121-126.
Peters, B. H. and Shelton, G. A. B. (1981) Electrical activity during a "simple" behaviour: spine- pointing in a sea urchin. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, 70A, 397-403.
Plas, A. J., Jangoux, M. and Voogt, P. A. (1984) A light and electron microscopical study of the pyloric caeca of Asterias rubens (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Netherlands Journal Of Zoology, 34, 144-158.
Polls, I. and Gonor, J. (1975) Behavioral aspects of righting in two asteroids from the Pacific Coast of North America. Biological Bulletin, 148, 68-84.
Powell, G. C. (1979) Stars for kings. Sea Frontiers, 25 no.(5)(5), 282-285.
Prior, D. J., Schneiderman, A. M. and Greene, S. I. (1979) Size-dependent variation in the evasive behaviour of the bivalve mollusc Spisula solidissima. Journal Of Experimental Biology, 78, 59-75.
Regnart, H. C. (1928) The projected chemical sense in the coelenterata and echinodermata. Proceedings Of The University Of Durham Philosophical Society, 8, 61-65.
Reimer, O., Olsson, B. and Tedengren, M. (1995) Growth, physiological rates and behaviour of Mytilus edulis exposed to the predator Asterias rubens. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour andPhysiology, 25, 233-244.
Rochette, R., Himmelman, J. H. and Hamel, J.-F. (1994) Foraging strategy of the asteroid Leptasterias polaris: role of prey odors, current and feeding status. In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 351.
Rochette, R., Hamel, J.-F. and Himmelman, J. H. (1994) Foraging strategy of the asteroid Leptasterias polaris: role of prey odors, current and feeding status. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 106, 93-100.
Romanes, G. J. and Ewart, J. C. (1881) Observations on the locomotor system of echinodermata. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London, 172, 829-882.
Romanes, G. J. (1883) Observations on the physiology of echinodermata. Journal Of The Linnean Society (Zoology), 17, 131-137.
Scheibling, R. E. (1994) Interactions among lobsters, sea urchins, and kelp in Nova Scotia, Canada. In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon). B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds., Rotterdam, Balkema : 865-870.
Schoenmakers, H. J. N., Goedhart, M. J. and Voogt, P. A. (1984) Biometrical and histological aspects of the reproductive cycle of the ovaries of Asterias rubens (Echinodermata). Biological Bulletin, 166, 328-348.
Sloan, N. A. (1979) Starfish encounters: an experimental study of its advantages. Experientia, 35(10), 1314-1315.
Sloan, N. A. (1980) The arm curling and terminal tube-foot responses of the asteroid Crossaster papposus (L.). Journal Of Natural History, 14, 469-482.
Sloan, N. A. (1980) Aspects of the feeding biology of asteroids. Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review, 18, 57-124.
Sloan, N. A. and Aldridge, T. H. (1981) Observations on an aggregation of the starfish Asterias rubens L. in Morecambe Bay, Lancashire, England. Journal Of Natural History, 15, 407-418.
Sloan, N. A. and Northway, S. M. (1982) Chemoreception by the asteroid Crossaster papposus (L.). Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 61, 85-98.
Sloan, N. A. and Campbell, A. C. (1982) Perception of food. In: Echinoderm Nutrition. M. Jangoux and J. M. Lawrence, eds., Rotterdam, A.A.Balkema : 3-23.
Sloan, N. A. (1984) Interference and aggregation: close encounters of the starfish kind. Ophelia, 23(1), 23-31.
Smith, J. E. (1950) Some observations on the nervous mechanisms underlying the behaviour of starfishes. Symposia Of The Society For Experimental Biology, 4, 196-220.
Smith, J. E. (1950) The motor nervous system of the starfish, Astropecten irregularis (Pennant), with special reference to the innervation of the tube feet and ampullae. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London B, 234, 521-558.
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